Jan 02, 2024 By Luna Bennett
Most people pass the gas at least 30 times a day. But, if you experience more gas than the other and it makes you uncomfortable, there is no need to worry about it. Certain foods, diarrhea, constipation, and other factors can cause the gas to build up more than usual.
The gas then gets trapped in the intestine and causes sharp pain, swelling, cramps, tightness, and bloating. But, several home remedies can relieve the gas and aid in digestion. So, read more to find out how to release the trapped gas!
Below, you can find the best home remedies to expel the trapped gas quickly:
The abdominal massage will help to relieve gas and encourage digestive mobility. But be gentle when massaging the gut area, as putting too much pressure can worsen the situation. A massage following the path of the large intestine will be helpful. To do this massage, place your hands on the right side of your abdomen and rub in a circular motion with light pressure up towards your right ribcage. Then, rub straight across the upper belly towards the left rib cage. After that, move slowly towards the lower belly (left side). You can also use some massage oil and repeat as necessary. If you feel any pain during massage, discontinue it immediately.
Gentle exercises like walking can help the bowels to move regularly. The 15-minute walk after every meal, hydration, and eating in smaller portions can effectively treat bloating, gas, and abdominal discomforts. Walking increases your blood flow and relaxes the abdominal muscles, which let the gas be expelled from the body. Also, keep your mouth closed to avoid swallowing the air when chewing the food.
Bloating is not something you need to worry about. But, if you are facing this condition for days even after changing your diet, facing difficulty doing everyday tasks, and have swelling in your tummy, see the doctor. You must also consult the doctor if you have bloating, diarrhea, blood in stool, constipation, and weight loss (without effort).
If you want to know how to remove gas from your stomach at home, do yoga. It will help your body pass the gas and comfort you in bloating. The wind-relieving pose is the best and most popular yoga pose to relieve you. For this yoga pose, you will lie on the back, bend the knees, and pull them near your chest. After that, clasp the hands around the shin (below the knees) and start lifting the neck. Tuck your chin when you pull the knees in; it will pass the gas out of your digestive system. Besides that, a child’s pose can also encourage the airflow out of the gut. You can keep this pose for about five minutes, and it will deflate your bloated stomach soon. Besides that, you can also try the happy baby pose.
Many herbs are available which can relieve the gas and prevent bloating. For instance, ginger is well-known for its remarkable gastrointestinal effects. The ginger helps digestion, prevents bloating, lets the gas move quickly out of your small intestine, and provides instant relief. You can make herbal tea of ginger, peppermint, chamomile, and anise. The anise also acts as a mild laxative and will provide you relief if the gas is due to constipation. So, it will be the best home remedy for a bloated stomach.
The cardamom acts as a stomachic and is used to treat indigestion. You take dry ginger, cardamom, and rock salt and make a fine powder. Turmeric is the nature's most potent healing agent and digestive stimulant. You can add it to different dishes, improving digestion and reducing bloating and gas. You can take the turmeric with water; it will benefit your stomach.
Warm water can help some people to relieve gas. You can also add a lemon to this warm water. As you all know, lemon is a powerhouse citrus with several minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it can easily remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and help digestion. Resultantly, it provides you relief whether you are suffering from gas pain, heartburn, or bloating. It will also help in healthy bowel movement. Drink a glass of lemon water (empty stomach) for better results. It will help you in digestion and keep your body hydrated. Besides that, you must avoid fizzy and carbonated liquids as they contain gas and cause bloating. The artificial sweeteners or sugars in the diet can cause bloating or gas.
Place the heating pad on your abdomen to relieve the gas pain. The heat relaxes the gut muscles and lets the gas move out. Remember to put a layer of clothing between your skin and heat to avoid burning. You can keep the heating pad for 15 minutes to relieve pain. If you don't have a heating pad, fill a water container with hot water and soak the towel in it. You can use this towel to heat your tummy, but be careful. Besides that, the bath's heat can also relieve you. It will relax your body, decreasing stress and letting the gastrointestinal tract work effectively.
Producing and passing the gas is a natural part of digestion. But, when a bubble of gas is stuck inside your body, it can be painful, and the only thing you need at that time is instant relief. So, whenever gas is trapped in your stomach, start walking. Besides that, you can do yoga, heat the abdomen, and take herbal tea. To avoid bloating, avoid the triggering foods, drink plenty of water, and consume more fiber.
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